Tri pacer driver

Flying is my passion. Growing up my dad had a love of being up in the air. That is where my influence came from. The airplane that I have is the same one passed down from him.

Can think of no better way to clear my head than to *Take her around the field*.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Flying with Grandpa

Flying from Thomas Whitmire on Vimeo.

This is a Cessna 172 not a Piper Tripacer. The flight preformance is close to the same.

If any of you want to go for a airplane ride. The best place is a small local airport near you. Just go out and sit and talk flying for a while and I would bet you could catch a ride.

The older genaterion is slipping away from us. Don't let a chance to sit and talk with them pass. I always find myself listening much more than talking. These are the people that have my respect.

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