Tri pacer driver

Flying is my passion. Growing up my dad had a love of being up in the air. That is where my influence came from. The airplane that I have is the same one passed down from him.

Can think of no better way to clear my head than to *Take her around the field*.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Heads up, it is coming

The shuttle is scheduled to enter Earth's atmosphere over the central Pacific Ocean at 8:17 a.m. EDT and should be visible over Montana about a half hour before landing in Cape Canaveral, NASA flight director Brian Lunney told Reuters.

It is only the second time since the 2003 Columbia disaster that a NASA space shuttle will descend across the continental U.S. -- and it is likely the last time before NASA retires its shuttle fleet later this year, according to a report.

Could be your last chance to catch the shuttle coming in to land.

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