Tri pacer driver

Flying is my passion. Growing up my dad had a love of being up in the air. That is where my influence came from. The airplane that I have is the same one passed down from him.

Can think of no better way to clear my head than to *Take her around the field*.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The plane, the plane

This is what the Piper Tri Pacer looks like from the outside. Just keep her trimmed level and enjoy the ride.

The instrument panel is pretty basic in a Piper Tri Pacer. All you need to travel is in front of you.
The thing sitting on top of the dash is the compass. When all the electronic devices fail. You fall back on your training and fly your compass heading.
If you ever wondered why the town name is on the water tower. It is an aid for airplane pilots to identify where they are.

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