Tri pacer driver

Flying is my passion. Growing up my dad had a love of being up in the air. That is where my influence came from. The airplane that I have is the same one passed down from him.

Can think of no better way to clear my head than to *Take her around the field*.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Other Woman

This is *The Other Woman*. My wife named it because she thinks that I spend more time with the airplane than her.

This in not true of course. There is always a seat open for my wife.

Have taken my wife to Ocracoke Island in the Outer Banks on the North Carolina coast.

The access to the island is by ferry boat or private plane.

We had a good day trip that would have taken about seven hours to drive. Flying it was about two and a half hours. That time is one way.

We had room in the plane to carry two bicycles for ground transportation. Used them to tour the village and stopped for lunch at Howard's Pub. Excellent fresh seafood on the menu.

If you are looking for a place to hide away. You will enjoy this place. It is where Black Beard the pirate worked his trade.

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